26 d’oct. 2010

Torna el vostre programa preferit

Aquesta setmana, com no podia ser d'altra manera, arranquem amb el Black Clouds and Silver Linings de la nostra banda abanderada i us el recomanem com a disc convidat de la setmana perquè en pugueu gaudir tant com vulgueu.

Programa carregat de noticies de grups i personatges mítics que no us podeu perdre per no perdre'ls la pista com ara Ozzy Osbourne!!!

Com sempre ben amanit de bona música, avui passem de la super banda alemanya THERION que tindrem ben aviat a les nostres terres, als americans KING'S X, un trio que engloba molts estils musicals i que ens ensenya "A Box" una cançó del seu sisè disc d'estudi de l'any 1996.

Foto: King's X

Seguim amb el sempre sorprenent mestre de la guitarra STEVE VAI amb la cançó "Ya-Yo Gakk", on intervé el seu fill, que pertany al disc Alien Love Secrets de l'any 1995.

Foto: Steve Vai amb una mostra de les seves guitarres

I ho matarem tot amb els impressionants LED ZEPPELIN i el mític "Kashmir" per donar pas a la secció estrella, l'A FONS i acabar el programa ben amunt perquè us moriu de ganes que arribi dimarts vinent per tenir la vostra dosi particular de BARBYTURIK.



19 d’oct. 2010

Avui sens falta una nova entrega de BARBYTURIK

Engeguem amb el disc convidat que esperem que no porti gaires "malsons" als oients i esperem, com sempre, que us serveixi per descobrir algun grup o algun disc nou.

Avui retrobem el Marc que per començar ens recomana EXTREME en directe i el seu Cupid's Dead, a veure si d'una vegada per totes els desencasellem del More than Words i gaudim de l'estil dur i vibrant del grup.

Foto: Extreme en una foto promocional

Continuem amb una altra gran novetat i sorpresa per tots nosaltres, estrenant Dream Song, la segona cançó del nou àlbum del mestre JOE SATRIANI anomenat Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards que pot semblar un mica més del mateix, però segur que no ens deixarà indiferents.
Tot això anant envoltant totes les noticies de la setmana, que van carregades i que realment no us podeu perdre.
Finalment que no se us escapin els espectaculars LIVING COLOUR amb Decadance i alguna sorpresa més com ara SLIPKNOT i Disasterpiece.

Foto: Living Colour en concert

I com no podia ser d'altra manera ho matarem tot amb la traca final de l'agenda de concerts i l'A FONS, qui s'amagarà avui darrera la frase misteriosa??

I si us ho perdeu escolteu les reposicions o ens trobarem tots aqui, al blog de BARBYTURIK!!!



12 d’oct. 2010

Encara que sigui festiu ja teniu la vostra dosi de BARBYTURIK

Doncs si, ni la festivitat de la hispanitat ens fa parar, avui es descansa a la feina però no podem viure sense la nostra dosi setmanal de BARBYTURIK.

Avui engeguem amb una bona ració de progressiu en el disc convidat de la setmana i ens posem una mica "canyeros" amb PANTERA i el seu "Hollow" i DEEP PURPLE i "Perfect Strangers".

Foto: Pantera

Fem una parada de la canya i ens permetem fer-li un homenatge a la nostra webmistres que es fa un fart de currar per nosaltres i li hem d'agraïr posant-li una mica d'AVENGED SEVENFOLD i el seu "So far away" que sabem del cert que li agrada molt.

Foto: Avenged Sevenfold

Acabem amb METALLICA i "All nightmare long" del Death Magnetic i la nostra secció estrella, l'A FONS de la Silvia que avui és dels que realment ens agraden!!!

Avui molta canya i molt BARBYTURIK


9 d’oct. 2010

James LaBrie parla de la marxa de Mike Portnoy i del seu nou disc en solitari

Us deixem amb un fragment de l'entrevista que li van fer a James LaBrie el dia 8 d'Octubre a Metal Messiah Radio.

Foto: James LaBrie en una actuació el 2008

En aquesta entrevista parla obertament de la marxa de Mike Portnoy  de Dream Theater.
Comenta  que era Mike Portnoy el que s'encarregava de la comunicació i contacte amb el fans i que a partir d'ara ho faran entre els 4 membres restants, incloent el tímid John Myung.

LaBrie explica que tenen 7 possibles candidats a la bateria que provaran pel grup en les pròximes dues setmanes. L'audició és tancada i només provaran 7 bateries de primer ordre mundial i no ha volgut desvelar el nom de cap dels candidats, ni tant sols quan l'entrevistador ha preguntat per John Macaluso, amic i col·laborador de James LaBrie en els seus àlbums en solitari.

Finalment comenta que DT continua amb la idea de produïr un nou àlbum a principis del 2011, que l'abscència de MP els hi proporcionarà llibertat per canviar tant en la producció com en la composició de les noves cançons i que tot continua endavant.

Foto: Mike Portnoy en una actuació el 2008

Nosaltres hem vist un James LaBrie amb masses ganes d'agafar protagonisme amb el tema i potser una mica "picat" amb tot això, també tenint en compte tota una sèries de declaracions en les que deia que els 4 membres de DT no estaven extremadament tristos per la marxa de Mike Portnoy, fet que va fer que el mateix Portnoy contestés demanant una mica de serenitat.

Us deixem amb el fragment d'aquesta entrevista, si la voleu escoltar sencera, la trovareu a www.metalmessiahradio.com

"Q: Mike was the spokesperson of the band. How will the remaining members of DREAM THEATER manage this task [going forward]?

LaBrie: Well, obviously, he was taking on a lot of those responsibilities and he wanted to be hands-on all the time, especially the interaction with fans and everything like that. So what do we do at this point? We establish the communication, we get in touch with our fans, we establish a great rapport with our fans, and we become more personable with our fans and let them hear who and what we are and let them know that we are there for them and that we appreciate who and what they stand for. So it's a matter of us communicating, it's a matter of the other four guys stepping up to the plate and establishing a great relationship with our fans on a more communicative level.

Q: So we can even see the quiet guy [presumably referring to bassist John Myung — Ed.] speaking to the press?

LaBrie: Absolutely. He already is. John Myung is much more verbal than he was and he's into it — he's up for it and he's excited. I think that one of the great things is that you're going to hear from four guys a lot more than you ever have in the past, so there will be many more opinions and views and situations that normally you might not have heard from. So I think, if anything, it's gonna be very cool.

Q: I have read in other interviews that the band has done that you are looking for a replacement for Mike behind the drum kit, but I don't sense any kind of rush or pressure in the band. Are you really looking for a replacement or do you already have one or two candidates in mind?

LaBrie: We're not rushing into it, because it's a big move for us; it's unprecedented within the band. This is our first time coming up against finding a drummer for DREAM THEATER. We do have everything in place. We don't have a drummer yet, but we have auditions for drummers all set up, and it's all ready to go within two weeks. So in two weeks we will start auditioning drummers. We already have seven guys lined up that are gonna come into the studio and they are going to play through some songs and so on and so forth. We are looking for the right chemistry, the right vibe, the right attitude, the right personality, the right look — somebody that we feel really will embellish upon what DREAM THEATER has stood for and what we plan on standing for in the future. So it's pretty exciting. We have everything in line, we have everything set up, so it's just a matter, within a couple of weeks, to start the auditions and then to eventually make the announcement who the new drummer is.

Q: So there will be open auditions then?

LaBrie: It's not open; it's already decided who's coming in. There's seven drummers that are coming in, and out of those seven, we will definitely have our drummer. They're all world-class drummers. I can't tell you who — I'd love to tell you, but I can't; I can't divulge or disclose that information. Not at this point. It's too sensitive at this point. But it will be a very intense week for us while we're jamming and playing with these drummers.

Q: I will mention one name that, personally, I think is the full package for DREAM THEATERJohn Macaluso. He played with you on your "Elements Of Persuasion" tour, even by recommendation from Mike, and you even sang on one of his tracks on his UNION RADIO solo project, he's from New York, he has played progressive metal for most of his career — a lot of things in common. What do you think of him?

LaBrie: Oh, well, it goes without saying John Macaluso is a fantastic drummer; he's an incredible talent. He reminds me of the current-day John Bonham — he's just got a really cool, Bonham-esque kind of feel to him, but at the same time he can also play in a very progressive outfit as well and get into more syncopated areas of drumming with ease. Yeah, I had the pleasure of going out and bringing him out on tour with me throughout Europe on the "Elements Of Persuasion" tour, and he is fantastic — there's no doubt about it; he's quite capable. Whether he is one of those seven drummers or not, I can't tell you. [laughs] But without a doubt, the guy is a fanstastic drummer. He's extremely talented. I love his playing, I love his style, and he's a great guy.

On Mike Portnoy's recent online posting in which he accused LaBrie of being "insensitive" and "disrespectful" for proclaiming in a recent interview that the remaining members of DREAM THEATER were "not sad at all" about Mike's departure from the group:

LaBrie: I'm not going to start getting into justifying who I am or where he's coming from or anything like that. I don't wanna go in those areas — I wanna keep everything positive. If something is being interpreted as being negative, that's very unfortunate. It was never ever intended to be, and I think that if anyone was to read my words within the interview from "Used Bin Radio", they would realize that in no way was I insinuating anything that was negative or insensitive.

Q: Do you plan to begin working on the new [DREAM THEATER] album in January, just like it was planned before Mike's departure?

LaBrie: Yeah. I mean, at this point I think everything is lending itself to stay within that schedule; I don't see, at this point, why it would change or why it would be delayed. I think that we're all very much ready and looking forward to getting back into the studio and creating some music. So at this point, definitely, I think January is still the reality.

Q: Do you think the absence of Mike's input in the studio as a songwriter and producer will give [DREAM THEATER] more freedom or pressure in the process?

LaBrie: I don't think there's gonna be any pressure. I think, if anything, it could change the dynamics within the band, it could change the way that things in the past always developed as far as the songs and the writing process. I think, yeah, definitely, there's room for change. I'm sure that, to some extent, it has to change, it has to be... It's a new chapter in every sense of the word. So I think that, definitely, it's quite possible that in many areas — in that area, in the approach to the sonwriting process — there's room for change, and more than likely there will be.

Q: Have you already decided how the writing process will be for the new [DREAM THEATER] album? Will you write in the studio as you have recently done or do you expect to change that process?

LaBrie: I think that we're gonna still go along with getting into the studio as a band and writing within the studio so we're all there collectively within the same room. So I think that that will go down as it has for the last several albums.

Q: Will you consider using an external producer or will John [Petrucci, DREAM THEATER guitarist] or any of the other guys in the band take care of it?

LaBrie: I think we kind of all, at this point... I mean, that's still stuff that we're discussing. But I think that, for the most part, we've all given the nod to John Petrucci to go ahead and produce. I think that he is extremely competent and he knows exactly where we need to go and what we need to do and how we need to sound. I think he's more than capable of doing it and being in that position."

Tot això i més és el programa i el blog de BARBYTURIK!!!!


5 d’oct. 2010

Tercer programa de la tercera temporada

Comencem amb el tercer programa de la temporada!!! No us perdeu els 2 primers programes dels que no us direm res de res i haureu de descobrir-los vosaltres mateixos.

Tercer programa que comença amb una sorpresa per la Silvia que no surt massa bé però que en el fons ens ho agraeix i amb l'excusa, ens marquem dues cançons de TOTO i YES per començar.

Foto: YES

Un programa amanit amb el disc convidat de la setmana que no deixa de soprendre'ns i farcit de noticies i concerts i encara tenim temps per degustar obres mestres de 30 seconds to mars, Faith No More i la nostra secció estrella l'A FONS.

Foto: Faith No More

No us el perdeu, així com no us perdeu el nostre blog més actiu que mai!!!

Us esperem!!!


4 d’oct. 2010

Joe Bonamassa arrassa a l'Auditori de Barcelona

Us deixem amb un fragment de la crònica realitzada per The Best Music:

"Passen un parell de minuts de les 8 de la tarda, hora prevista per l'inici del concert, i surten a l'escenari de l'Auditori, Joe Bonamassa amb l'inconfusible vestit negre i les sabates blanques, Carmine Rojas (baix), Rick Melick (teclats) i Bogie Bowles (bateria) i comença un concert que omplirà les dues següents hores.
Dues hores per saber que en Joe es desenvolupa bé, molt bé, per diversos terrenys i en especial pels camins del Blues, sense oblidar els camins més durs del rock. Bonamassa ha treballat molt dur el seu registre vocal i toca la guitarra de manera excepcional, res de nou, això ja ho sabiem.

Dues hores i deu canvis de guitarra han sigut necessaris per recordar que en Joe fa literalment el que vol amb la guitarra. Dues hores i alguns solos brutals, però no ha sigut fins els dos temes finals, la versió de Bird on a Wire de Leonard Cohen i sobretot amb aquests últims deu minuts absolutament grandiosos amb el medley Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused de ZZ Top i Led Zeppelin, que he sentit com aconsseguia portar-me més enllà d'aquelles quatre parets.
Només per aquells minuts ja havia valgut la pena asistir al concert. Tota la resta ha estat molt bé, un guitarrista excel·lent, amb un domini brutal de les sis cordes.

Si voleu llegir la crònica sencera amb el bo i el "dolent" us deixem l'article sencer.

I a continuació us posem el setlist que va tocar tant a Madrid com a Barcelona:


1.-Cradle Rock (Rory Gallagher)
2.-So Many Roads
3.-So It´s Like That
4.-If Heartaches were nickels
5.-Never make your move to soon
6.-When the sun goes down
7.-Steal your heart away
8.-I Know a place
9.The Ballad of John Henry
10.Woke up Dreaming
11.Sloe Gin (Tim Curry)
13.Mountain Time
14.Bird on a Wire (leonard Cohen cover)
15.Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused (ZZ Top/Led Zeppelin)

Salut i BARBYTURIK per tothom!!



Millor cantant de rock segons Planet Rock:
1 Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin
2 Freddie Mercury - Queen
3 Paul Rodgers - Free/Bad Company
4 Ian Gillan - Deep Purple
5 Roger Daltrey - The Who


Sergi: El que sempre té alguna cosa a dir
Marc: L'enciclopèdia mòbil
Silvia: La professional
Xavi: El tècnic
Meri: La webmistress


Podeu fer-nos arribar els vostres comentaris, suggeriments i recomanacions a barbyturik@onacodinenca.cat

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